Bella's Legacy Cockapoos

Welcome to Bella's Legacy Cockapoos

1st Litter  2023

Why Choose Us?

The Cockapoo originated in the United States during the 1960s, where it was deliberately bred by crossing Cocker Spaniels with Poodles. These charming dogs are renowned for their exceptional qualities as loyal and intelligent companions, making them highly trainable. While they are generally quiet, Cockapoos may bark when they sense someone approaching their home or property. Moreover, they have minimal shedding and possess a faint dog odor. This makes them an excellent choice for individuals with allergies, as they produce low levels of pet dander and hair. Their affable nature and sociability make them amicable towards other pets and children. The Cockapoo breed exhibits a wide variety of colors and coat types, ranging from curly to wavy or straight. On average, they enjoy a lifespan of 12 to 15 years. While it can be challenging to determine their coat appearance as newborns, waiting until they reach approximately 7 weeks of age can help identify their eventual color and coat type. It's worth noting that these characteristics may still undergo slight changes as they mature.

About Us



A little about myself. I was born and raised in a country with animals and babies around all of the time. When I was almost 3 years old I was traumatically attacked by our German Shepard. I don't remember this but I do know that it had caused a fear for dogs within me. My parents always made sure we had dogs. I usually did most of the training as I feel my Dad wanted me to overcome my fear of dogs. I was always ok with our dogs but it was other dogs when they barked or growled. Once I moved out of my parent's home and ventured off on my own I knew I would never own a dog again. My father would bug me to get one for my boys but it was always a no-never. A friend of mine had puppies and I ended up playing with them and remembered how much I liked them as a child. Then my nephew got a puppy and she always knew when I went over for a visit and would make my nephew take her up to see me. So the story goes on for a few years. Then my daughter's friend came over with this cute tiny puppy. I fell in love! He would bring him over periodically. Then I felt the urge to get one. I then started my hunt for a puppy. I knew I didn't want a big dog. I also figured out a few things I wanted and didn't want in a dog. I started my research and finally chose the cockapoo. I knew I wanted to breed when I was looking. I wanted to do this as I was looking for a puppy I noticed a lot of red flags. I wanted to be able to breed my dog and give the puppies the best start in life and hopefully inspire others that may have a fear as well to get a puppy. I raise our puppies in our home with us. They are part of our family. The puppies bring joy to all of us. I started to research any training I could do with them. This is when I realized...these poor puppies just get taken to their new homes and maybe have been in a car once. They may have different textures and smells they will have to become accustomed to. My mind was racing. So we decided that our puppies are going to get to have different textures, smells, toys, and more. I feel that we are off to a great start with our fur babies and that when they do go to their new homes they will have the best foot forward with everything we have exposed them to.